Helen A. Bernstein
April 3, 1945 – Feb. 17, 2022

Beloved pillar of the Store to Door community Helen Bernstein passed away on February 17th 2022. Serving as our program’s Executive Director for 16 years—from 1996 until January 2013—Helen’s warmth and commitment to the personal side of the work that we do played a formative role in making our program into what it is today.

During Helen’s tenure, Store to Door made more than 111,000 deliveries to homebound clients across the Portland area. Continuing to serve as a Board Member and Volunteer following her retirement, Helen’s legacy is one of lasting impact in the lives of so many clients, volunteers, and staff—and a deep focus on supporting independent living for all members of our community. Helen’s dedication and commitment to helping those in need have had a permanent effect on our program and community culture.

Capturing the spirit of Helen’s compassion, back in 2013, she was quoted as saying, “What warms my heart the most is watching people of all ages, races, religions, cultures, and socio-economic backgrounds work harmoniously and respectfully together so that a stranger across town has food for the week. It is difficult to think ill of humanity when you do this sort of work.”

Ours is the work of carrying forward her legacy.

You can read a full obituary for Helen online at OregonLive.
