Store to Door is celebrating National Centenarian’s Day on September 22nd by honoring those who are 100 years of age or older. Until recently, reaching the age of 100 was considered a rare phenomenon, but today, a growing number of people around the world are living to age 100. If you are lucky enough to know someone over the age of 100 or close to it, take some time to sit with them and listen to them reminisce about their life and stories. You may just learn something wonderful!
We had a chance to speak with Store to Door volunteer, Eleanore Rubinstein, who is 103 years young. Rubinstein accounts her longevity and healthy life to “luck and having a good outlook”. Read more from Eleanore’s interview here:
What is the best advice you have been given in your life? “Be positive and happy!”
What activities have you found most enjoyable through the years? “Almost any sport, baseball, tennis, golf, and bowling.”
What do people think of when they think of you? “I get a lot of compliments for being so active in my age. People think I have a good outlook on life and that I am pretty lucky to be where I am.”
What is one piece of advice you would give someone who is searching for direction in life? “Find the good in people. Everyone has good in them. It’s also important to make friends and keep them.”
What are some of the most important lessons you feel you have learned over the course of your life? “Be happy!”
What brings you the most joy? “My family. I have 4 children. 7 grand-children, 14 great-grandchildren, and 2 great-great-grandchildren. They all live close to me and I see them all very often, but I do have to keep a list in order to keep it all straight!”
Why is Store to Door important to you? “It is important for all the good it does. It helps people survive – it really does. It is also very personal since someone is calling to say “hi” every week.”