Store to Door Board Member Therese connects deeply with Store to Door’s mission and program work. She started as a volunteer shopper, before volunteering as a friendly caller and delivery driver, having her kids join in delivering groceries to the clients.
As a caregiver to her own family and involved in multiple Oregon nonprofits, she understands the many considerations and needs experienced by our housebound clients in order to maintain their independence. “You could either age independently at home, or you can age in an assisted living facility. And not everybody wants to- or has the funds to be in an assisted living facility,” Therese explains.
She is correct. According to the 2018 AARP Home and Community Preferences survey, nearly 80% of Americans aged 50 and older say they want to stay in their own homes to stay closer to their friends and family. Startlingly, according to the 2022 Genworth Cost of Care Survey, the average cost for assisted living facilities in Portland is $4,975 per month.
Store to Door is uniquely positioned to ameliorate many of the challenges of accessing basic needs.The total monthly program cost of providing service to a single Store to Door client is $73. Over 45% of Store to Door’s clients live at 200% or less of the Federal Poverty Level and 32% receive benefits through SNAP, which we can use on their behalf.
Store to Door gives housebound folks, and their families, more options in creating their futures. “We’re really a care resource for them to help them whichever way,” Therese praises the mission, “I think that’s pretty amazing.”
Store to Door’s projected 2022 delivery totals will mark more than a 40% increase since 2019. We need your help to make this possible. Give today to help ensure we can continue to serve the growing housebound community and allow them to age with dignity in the setting of their own choosing!
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