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How it’s done:

Step 1: Sign up to participate [FORM]

Step 2: Join the meeting on [DATE]

Step 3: Choose one or more G!G participating non-profits and reach out to the non-profit contact to inquire about and arrange volunteer hours. You can choose to have staff or volunteers provide the volunteer service.   

Step 4: Show up! Volunteer with the organization – take lots of photos! Leave a “Volunteer it forward” card.

Step 5: SHOUT OUT! The organization who volunteers does a social media shout out (include in newsletters and other channels as applicable) – tag the org you volunteered with in your posts, tag G!G, #volunteeritforward.  

Step 6: SHOUT OUT! When you are the organization receiving the volunteer service hours – post on social media and tag the organization who volunteered, G!G, #volunteeritforward, and then tag the org you intend on paying it forward to.  

Example Post: Store to Door is excited to have volunteer with us today at our Food box program! Store to Door is going to volunteer it forward by donating our time to Helto help with their mission *insert small message about mission*. Thanks to Willamette Week G!G for bringing us together and remember to #volunteeritforward this giving season!

Volunteer it forward will help us all create intentional connections with non-profits in our region, support each other with additional volunteer hours in the winter months, and give a boost in social media and grow each other’s supporter pool by highlighting organizations throughout our varied audiences. 
