Since joining Store to Door as a Volunteer Delivery Driver in 2019, Debbe has spent more than 210 hours delivering groceries to Store to Door Clients. Originally delivering one day a week, Debbe noticed our waitlist lengthen at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and stepped up, committing to an extra delivery day each week! In addition to enjoying the physical activity involved in deliveries, Debbe loves the connection and interaction she gets to have with folks she delivers to.
You are a delivery driver for Store to Door, what made you decide to choose this volunteer position AND to volunteer twice a week?
I read about a couple that were both volunteering at Store to Door in AARP. Then I read that the Portland Metro Area had a Store to Door here. I checked out the website and thought I would enjoy delivering, as it has interaction with clients. I started with one day a week for my first year. When COVID-19 restrictions made it less comfortable for people to do their own shopping, Store to Door had a waiting list of over 100 people so I chose to add a second delivery day to my schedule to help out so that more clients could benefit from grocery delivery.
What do you enjoy most about being a Delivery Driver?
I like the physical aspect of driving to work, interacting with other drivers when I pick up my orders at Fred Meyer. I enjoy checking my orders, labeling them, and putting them in my car. I enjoy interacting with clients, especially those who have few visitors during COVID-19. The clients that are in senior living homes are not currently allowed visitors so I call them or text them after leaving their orders at the front desk. I enjoy how I feel on my way home, which is the best reason of all to do this work.
What would you tell someone who is thinking of volunteering with Store to Door?
I would encourage anyone interested in volunteering to explore the different options at Store to Door: taking orders on the phone from clients, shopping for the clients’ orders in Fred Meyer, delivering the orders to clients. It is easy to volunteer online. Then I had an orientation day (60 – 90 minutes) when I rode along with a training coordinator making deliveries, which helped me get the feel of the work and a typical day. My typical day volunteering is about 90 minutes to 2 hours. The best part about volunteering at Store to Door is the people who I interact with. I highly recommend it.