We are thrilled to announce that Store to Door has been selected for the 2016 edition of the Willamette Week Give!Guide. The Willamette Week offers amazing incentives to everyone who donates $10 or more to participating nonprofits (that means us!) through the Give!Guide. On “Big Give” days (November 3, 10, 17, and 29 and December 8 and 15), when you could win Trailblazer Tickets, a Powell’s shopping spree, tickets to Thorns & Timbers games, a Trek Bike, an ice cream party at Salt-n-Straw, or an amazing trip on the Oregon Coast.
If you love Store to Door and our mission but have never made a donation before, this is a great excuse to give. The first $1,000 donated to Store to Door via the Give!Guide will be matched by our friends at Becker Capital Management.
Other great incentives to give to Store to Door include:
- The first two donations of $500 or more will receive a gift basket from Boyd’s Coffee.
- The first donor of $1,500 or more will receive a $100 gift card, special shopping brunch, and free class with one of the pros at Lucy Athleticwear, and the first 100 donors at any level will receive a 20 percent off one item coupon.
You can also help us spread the word by telling your friends, family and co-workers about the Give!Guide.
Give now here!